
Assessment should be on continuous basis. It should be aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the child and how to introduce new strategies to overcome the weaknesses. 

A wide range of assessment techniques can be used in a pre-primary classroom. Observation techniques, informal question-answer sessions, informal conversations and discussions are some of the techniques besides the paper-pencil activities that can be used. 

Based on the assessment, remedial measures need to be taken to continually improve the achievement of the child/class. At the end of each term, the teacher along with the children should evaluate the process in terms of tasks completed, participation, what the children have learnt and what can be done to improve performance.


1. The school holds regular evaluation throughout the academic year and follows CCE.
2. Whole syllabus is divided in two terms.
3. Two written exams are conducted along with orals and activities.
4. Paper files and progress reports are shown after the exam.
5. If a child is absent from an examination for any reason, will not be re-evaluated. Overall grade will be given on the basis of day to day observation.
6. A pupil will not be permitted to appear for the terminals of final examination unless all fees and dues are paid upto date.