Welcome to Prerna Senior College... 

Prerna Sewa Mandal, one of the Pioneer Organisations dedicated to the cause of education from its very inception, started its operations in the year 1974. This body has successfully completed 38 years in the field of education and is recognised and appreciated for its steady development, achievement in the region. The formal body which came into existence In 1983, aims for an allround growth of the Institution. 

Currently it is functioning as a premier institution in the region dedicated to greater success and higher goals for students of commerce. It also runs a well established school up to Xth class with about 1,300 students. ‘Prerna Convent’ leaves no stone unturned to bring out the best in the pupils. 

Prerna Junior College & Prerna College of Commerce are managed by highly qualified personalities and stalwart educationalists forming the Prerna Group under the Prerna Sewa Mandal.

About Us... 

The group is extremely proud of its new launches - 
1) Prerna Public School
2) Prime College of Commerce, Science and Management Technology (Night College), 
3) Pride College of Commerce, Science and Management Technology under Prerna Education and Research Academy.
4) Prerna Post Graduate College

They also brought in various new courses like PGDCCA, MCM, M.Com., D.B.M., etc. for the benefit of the students. They also plan to open an MBA College shortly at Vihirgaon.

Besides imparting quality education the Institution believes in allround development of the students. They aim to educate students so that they can have an awareness and understanding of the environment.

A word about Prerna Education and Research Academy, a sister concern of Prerna Sewa Mandal. It was established to give more emphasis to research as it’s very name suggests. Research in every field has become a primary concern. The Gulhane brothers who are well established and renowned in the educational scenerio decided to expand and take a step further in the area of research.

Pride College is their first unit, which will lead students to other scholarly pursuits, in the years to come.

The Secretary of Prerna Sewa Mandal Dr. S.C. Gulhane who has always been a constant source of inspiration, tirelessly endeavours for the development of the college. He believes in not only educating the students but in making them self reliant members of the society. His future vision is to bring up the Prerna Junior College & Prerna Senior College as one of the highly reputed Colleges in South Nagpur. The horizon may seem far but the sun does manage to reach there. 

Institutes Run By Prerna Sewa Mandal & Prerna Education & Research Academy : 

1. Prerna Convent (State Board) Vidya Nagari, Reshimbag Square, Nagpur.
2. Prerna Pre Primary School. Vidya Nagari, Reshimbag Square, Nagpur.
3. Prerna Pre Primary. (C.B.S.E. affiliated to C.B.S.E. Board Delhi)
Vidya Nagari, Reshimbag Square, Nagpur.
4. Prerna Junior College. (Commerce with IT, & Science with Electronics, Computer Science & IT)
(Vidya Nagari, Reshimbag Square, Nagpur.)
5. Prerna Degree College. (B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.C.A., B.C.A.(Sci), B.Sc. IT, MCM, M.Com., PGDCCA, 
DBM) (Vidya Nagari, Reshimbag Square, Nagpur.)
6. Prerna Public School. (at Vihirgaon)
7. Prime College of Commerce, Science and Management Technology (Night College)
8. Pride College of Commerce, Science and Management Technology
9. Prerna M.B.A. College will be starting shortly (Vihirgaon)

About Our Vihirgaon Campus : 

Our Vihirgaon Campus is spread over an area of 10.5 acres (7 Kms. from our present premises). Prerna Public School has started functioning in the premises. The M.B.A. College work has also begun and the College will start functioning shortly.